Campus-based Lecturers
At Shulan College of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, we have a wide range of expert lecturers. The majority of our courses are taught by our campus-based lectures who provide the option of in-person teaching as well as online teaching. Meet our campus-based lecturers below.
Prof. Shulan Tang
College Director

Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine1979 to 1984,
Bachelor’s degree in Medicine -
Beijing University of Chinese Medicine from 1984 to 1987 master’s degree in Medicine
Worked in South-East University hospital from 1988 to 1991 as Physician in Charge
Principal of Shulan College of Chinese Medicine, PhD supervisor of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, a Senior Practitioner of the British Acupuncture Council and the Register of Chinese herbal medicine

Prof. Shi Wei Zhou
Acupuncture and Tuina Massage Course
Graduated from Tianjin TCM University in 1985 and gained a Master's Degree in 1988
1988, he worked at the 'First Teaching Hospital' as a Teacher and a Doctor
May 2000, Dr Zhou came to the UK as a TCM Practitioner
Specialises in treating strokes, back pain, migraines, infertility & depression
Wider Lecturing Team
In addition to our two campus-based lecturers, the Shulan College team is also made up of many other experienced lecturers from varying countries around the world. Each lecturer brings their own unique experience and knowledge to our students and provides their industry leading expertise. Meet the rest of our wide team below.

Prof. RuanJin Zhao
Practiced medicine for more than 30 years, including more than 20 years in the United States
Director of the American Traditional Medicine Center and the founder of AnFaLa Pharmaceutical Company
Graduated from Henan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1984, and was admitted to Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the same year to study for a master's degree and a doctoral degree with Professor Liu Duzhou, a medical expert and typhoid master
In 1990, Teaching and Research Section of Histology and Embryology of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine to teach and do scientific research
Partner of H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center, and is one of the founders of East and West College (School of Traditional Chinese Medicine)

Prof. Peilin Sun
Shang hai lun Teacher
TCM clinical practice and teaching for almost 40 years, which began at the International Acupuncture Training Center, Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Graduated from his Masters study in 1988
October 1990 he was invited by the Princess of Monaco to give a seminar at an International Conference in Monaco
Currently Prof. Sun teaches at the Belgian School of Medicine and the Netherlands, Germany, France, Austria, Switzerland, Norway, Turkey and Poland, as well as Canada and other countries.

Prof. Kai Cun Zhao
TCM basic theory Lecturer
1990-1994 PhD. in Clinical Pharmacology, Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Royal Postgraduate Medical School
1988-1990 Research Fellow supported by a Royal Fellowship, King's College London
1982-1984 Master of Medicine, in clinical Pharmacology, Peking Union Medical College (PUMC), Beijing
1978-1982 Bachelor of Medicine, in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing

Prof. Chuan Biao Guo
Anatomy for Acupuncture
Chief doctor integrated Chinese and Western medicine
Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine - Masters and PHD
Doctor of International Chinese Medicine and internal acupuncturist
President of the Association of Italian Traditional Chinese medicine
Honorary President of Association of Italian National Acupuncture
Vice-Chairman of the World Forum on Traditional Medicine
Member of Executive Committee Presidium of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies
Editor of the World Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Prof. Hong Yang Guo
Tuina Massage Course
Medical Resident in University of Texas in Houston Dept. of Internal Medicine
Certificate, Medical English Center, Xian Medical University
M.S., Beijing Chinese Medical University, Beijing
M.D., Henan College of Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou
Oceans Behavioral Hospital in Alexandria Attending Physician
Freedman Clinic of Internal Medicine Medical Director
Cabrini Hospital Wound Care Facility Medical Director
Compass Behavioral Hospital

Prof. Yu Hong Xie
Qigong Tuina Lecturer
Bachelor’s degree in Medicine. Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine1985 to 1990
Worked as a medical Qigong specialist in Jiangsu Association of Qigong Scientific Research from 1990 to 1992
Worked as a lecturer in Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine and as a doctor in its affiliated hospitals from 1992-2005
Doctorate in Acupuncture and Qigong Tuina, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine 2002 to 2005
July 2005, Dr Xie came to the UK as a TCM Practitioner
Since 2015, Dr Xie have been invited to teach Qigong tuina and acupuncture in many countries in Europe and South America

Prof. Bingsheng Yuan
Over 30 years TCM herbs and acupuncture clinical practice, published 70-80 TCM articles
Executive Deputy President of Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners (FTCMP.UK)
Executive Vice President of JFTCM (EU)
Member of Pan-European Medical Consultants Society of TCM
Vice Chairperson of the 1st Board of Specialty Committee of Clinical Research for Ancient Classical Formulas of WFCMS
Executive Member of 4th Council Board of WFCMS (World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies)
Professor of Shulan College of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine and Professor of Dan Huang College
A member of Editorial Board of Journal of Chinese Medicine In The UK
Member of The 1st Editorial Board of TMR ( Traditional Medicine Research)
Visiting Professors

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visiting professor

visiting professor

visiting professor